Post by Ancient OneI have spoken with Steve Husband as he is local to me anyway and the people
he had grief with are now managers giving it to me too.
I have seen your site too and I will be inviting people to put their links
on my links page and also if they want to submit an article etc.
All welcome if it does any damage to the evils
Also an anonymous chat room and a budding forum if anyone wants to have a
live chat
A useful search engine is
constructing a collection of targetted words and phrases.
eg put in words phrases such as "social worker" and BASW
in the search box.
On the themed list expand all "more" sections,
highlight all in this pane and paste to a text file. Repeat process more
for some of the specialist keywords found in this first trawl .Then when
sufficient collection of words in your text file replace all numbers and
brackets by using word-processor search and replace etc. and remove
references/ repeats. Easily generates a few thousand highly
specific phrases/words used in a discipline - Social Work
in this case.
Then bury between COMMENT and /COMMENT tags in your
HTML document/s. Search engines pick up the words
but not normally shown on browsers.
A tip I shared with
now apparently only on The Archive
You are relying on .pdf files which may look more ' evidential'
but few other than Google search engine indexes PDF files.
to give plain text for all search engines and put on your files as well
What they aren't telling you about DNA profiles
and what Special Branch don't want you to know.
or nutteingd in a search engine
email *** (remove 4 of the 5 dots)