Post by anonnymis - and illliterritPost by CynicWhich "issues" are you referring to? I am extremely concerned with
people getting incorrectly accused of child abuse on slim evidence
that is not properly examined. I am extremely concerned with children
being denied male emotional support due to fears by adults that it
could lead to an allegation. I am extremely concerned with
authorities who pursue OTT "investigations" and impose draconian
restrictions that destroy families in which no abuse was taking place.
We are all concerned about false allegations, they do happen, however
the evidence is examined meticulously, and the accused only ends up in
court when there is overwhelming evidence and a conviction is likeley.
The majority of damage done by false allegations is caused without a
case ever *getting* to criminal court. When it does, a "not guilty"
verdict does nothing to stop the damage. Ask Lilly and Reed what
damage was caused to them by totally false allegations.
Post by anonnymis - and illliterritIf you practise safe caring, and keep accurate records, you minimise
the risks.
I am not speaking only about professional carers. Are you saying that
a paedophile who is able to keep the paperwork looking good would be
relatively safe? If so, I suspect that you may well be correct.
Post by anonnymis - and illliterritThere has been some cases of OTT investigations by one or two local
authorities, these tend to be the exception rather than the rule,
lessons are learnt, we move on.
"Lessons are learnt"? LOL! The *same* mistakes are made over and
over and over again. About the only "lessons" learnt is to do with
damage limitation after the event. Damage limitation to the
authorities that is, not their victims. You do know that the doctors
who were responsible for mis-diagnosing sexual abuse in children and
as a result caused huge amounts of damage are *still* used for such
diagnoses and have made the same mistakes in subsequent cases?
Post by anonnymis - and illliterritPost by CynicI am also extremely concerned at the level of child abuse that takes
place and is successfully hidden because the real problems occur while
the public are being misdirected to look in a single direction and
Please explain how you know that something that is being hidden is
there ?
Hidden was perhaps not quite the correct word. "Downplayed" or
"ignored" would have been better words to have used. Plenty of
high-profile cases to illustrate what I mean. They only come out into
the open when it gets *really* serious and a child is maimed or
killed. Would you like to supply the figures on how many children are
killed by parents each year in cases where there is *no* sexual
Post by anonnymis - and illliterritDont you realise that paedophiles come out with similar stuff to what
you are spouting, your statement "I am extremely concerned with
being denied male emotional support due to fears by adults" is a
And that is somehow supposed to make it an untrue statement? I expect
most paedophiles put on their trousers one leg at a time also, just as
I do. There are several studies by leading professionals that show
that my concern is by no means unfounded or spurious.
Post by anonnymis - and illliterritYou appear to be saying, im not worried about paedophiles getting hold
of kids, but i am worried that barriers are put in front of males to
stop them being around kids.
Whilst perhaps you are saying that you are not worried how much damage
is being done to children by being denied male role-models and
support, so long as it lowers the risk of them being sexually
In fact, what is happening is bad on both counts. Not only are
children suffering from the lack of adult male interaction, but the
hysteria actually *increases* access for paedophiles. Consider that a
non-paedophile man is unlikely to have as strong a motivation to be
with children as a paedophile. So as the bad public perception and
risks of false allegations to a man involved in child-oriented
activities increases (scout masters, sports coach, teachers and
ordinary people in everyday situations), the only men who remain
sufficiently motivated to take on such tasks are the undetected
paedophiles. All the time a good mix exists, the paedophile is
working with non-paedophiles and so subjected to scutiny. There is a
good chance that the paedophile will not be able to risk offending as
the risk of a non-paedophile in the group noticing something amiss is
too great to risk. So whilst he may well be looking for every
opportunity he can, he is unable to risk anything overtly sexual.
If however he is alone with the children for much of the time, or if
the other adults in the group are also paedophiles, he can openly
indulge in sexual play and other "grooming" activities without having
eyebrows raised.
It is in fact in the interest of the paedophile to discourage
non-paedophile adults from being involved with the group of children
he is with.
The greatest child-abuse cases have occurred in places where the only
male carers of a group of children have *all* been paedophiles. And
you want to create an atmosphere likely to deter non-paedophile men
from working in such areas?
Post by anonnymis - and illliterritWould you pass a CRB check to work with kids ?, i doubt it.
The CRB check, as you well know, will not exclude any paedophile who
has not been detected. Which is likely to be the majority.
Seeing that you are chucking allegations around, I could also point
out that a recent study has shown that the most vociferous homophobic
men are likely to be closet gays, who use their outspoken denigration
of homosexuals as camoflage so that they won't be suspected of being
homosexual themselves. It would seem logical that the same would hold
true regarding paedophilia.