Paul Nutteing
2005-08-31 21:29:35 UTC
This argument is getting heavily sidetracked here.
I at no point am disputing that there are incompetent social workers, just
as there are incompetent members of other professions.
I am not disputing that individuals in any profession will attempt to
coverI at no point am disputing that there are incompetent social workers, just
as there are incompetent members of other professions.
I am not disputing that individuals in any profession will attempt to
their own backs if their jobs, mortgage are on the line as a result of
The difference with social workers is that the press will take an
interest,The difference with social workers is that the press will take an
as these are matters of life and death. The press won't take in an
interestin the incompetence of the local librarian. I think that making statements
like "too often"; "they" - ie them as a collective group; "usually"; "more
than any profession I know" - is a tabloid journalism approach, as is the
use of stories and examples which bear little resemblance to the argument
being made. It leads to a perception that "social workers are
incompetent".like "too often"; "they" - ie them as a collective group; "usually"; "more
than any profession I know" - is a tabloid journalism approach, as is the
use of stories and examples which bear little resemblance to the argument
being made. It leads to a perception that "social workers are
Does it occur to you that - as someone who works with children - I am
meeting the Lauren Wrights of this world and have to deal with social
workers who are explaining why cases aren't actioned? The reality is that
ameeting the Lauren Wrights of this world and have to deal with social
workers who are explaining why cases aren't actioned? The reality is that
child covered in bruises will be returned to their families by the courts
unless the social workers can PROVE where those bruises came from beyond
allunless the social workers can PROVE where those bruises came from beyond
reasonable doubt. Basically, without eyewitness accounts or the child
beingprepared to repeat allegations in a formal, videotaped interview, the case
goes nowhere and the child stays at home to suffer more abuse. In my other
posts, I made it very clear that I know of real-life cases where we *know*
children are being abused, but cannot prove it. That *is* the way the
systemgoes nowhere and the child stays at home to suffer more abuse. In my other
posts, I made it very clear that I know of real-life cases where we *know*
children are being abused, but cannot prove it. That *is* the way the
The suggestion of the original post is that it is "too easy" for SS to
takeThe suggestion of the original post is that it is "too easy" for SS to
a child into care. My point - actually backed by at least one of the cases
you quote - is that it is exactly the opposite. Your perception, based on
the tabloid news, which in itself seems to be based on very little, is
thatyou quote - is that it is exactly the opposite. Your perception, based on
the tabloid news, which in itself seems to be based on very little, is
these "incompetent and lazy" social workers are actually working their
buttsoff to fabricate evidence in order to meet government targets which have
nobearing on themselves, their income, their job security or anything else
which might actually kick them into gear. In fact, Essex's staff appears
towhich might actually kick them into gear. In fact, Essex's staff appears
be made up significantly of people who are overseas temps so they
have even less at stake in Essex County Council's targets.
Why would they be doing this? And more importantly, where is the evidence
that they are?
Lets zero in on one statement: so they
have even less at stake in Essex County Council's targets.
Why would they be doing this? And more importantly, where is the evidence
that they are?
"I know of real-life cases where we *know*
children are being abused"
So please go into more detail what constitues *know*
that is not proof or even evidence admissible in court.
Exposing corrupt Wiltshire social workers and
their incompetent director a Raymond Leonard Jones
or nutteingd in a search engine as that URL was
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