Paul Nutteing (valid email address in post script )
2008-11-02 09:25:52 UTC
(a) personal friends
(b) council staff on official business eg. social worker
(c) meter readers for utility companies
I would say I do not need permission.
Even if two people are talking and I am not supposed to hear the
discussion, it takes part in my home and it is not a public place.
Furthermore, if I had a security camera then it would record the same
Am I correct?
Would it matter if it was video as opposed to audio recording?
Would I need a notice on the front door?
It is only right and proper that you record(b) council staff on official business eg. social worker
(c) meter readers for utility companies
I would say I do not need permission.
Even if two people are talking and I am not supposed to hear the
discussion, it takes part in my home and it is not a public place.
Furthermore, if I had a security camera then it would record the same
Am I correct?
Would it matter if it was video as opposed to audio recording?
Would I need a notice on the front door?
any phone conversations or face-to-face
dealings with social workers.
In their normal operation they usually
have to lie to one party or the other,
and you can easily be that lied-to party.
They try to operate verbally, rather than
in writing , as considered less chance
of being caught out, less attributable (normally).
As a result of recording phone calls etc
I caught out corrupt lying Wiltshire social workers,
Stella Maria Constant & John Barton Stoddart,
acting in a conspiracy in an attempt
to prosecute myself, failed, in great
part, to my having recorded all dealings with
the slimey shite.
Exposed on the web, with others, for their corrupt plottings.
What they aren't telling you about DNA profiles
and what Special Branch don't want you to know.
or nutteingd in a search engine.
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