Post by Paul NutteingWhen the CSA opened in 1993, no one was more
surprised than the then five-year-old Australian
English officials had visited, and had returned
to London with reams of notes. What caused the
Australians to rub their eyes was not the
existence but the design of the British CSA.
It seemed the Brits had not only failed to learn
from the many positive elements of the
Australian experience - they had done the
exact opposite.
This situation where it really seems that only the
WORST elements get reproduced, is a lot like the
way the dysfunctional ""Child Protection""
agencies have spread.
In the USA a Federal "model" agency was set up and
even though it was not functional, it was used
as a pattern for each of the US states to mimick.
The Federal model was to be conformed to in order that
the states would get the Federal grant money to
operate the state copies.
The written standards as part of this model did
include several safeguards and avenues of redress
in case the agency ran amok, and the contract
the states entered into for the money said that the
states would lose their grant if they failed to
maintain vigorous safeguards to high standards.
Virtually none of the states met the standards
for checks, balances, avenues of redress, etc.
and Federal Judges have repeatedly found the
Child Protection agencies to be in flagrant
violation of our highest laws about CIVIL RIGHTS.
(For example, the entire Illinois Child Protection
system was declared to be UNCONSTITUTIONAL and
was put under a "consent decree" (court supervision)
only to discover that IL was ALREADY under one,
issued ten YEARS before, and promptly ignored.)
Despite these supposed safeguards, the funding for
these rogue agencies has continued, at times when
politicians complained, CPS agencies automatically
protected themselves using the PRETENSE that any
effort to correct CPS was a move
""In Favor of Child Abuse"". (Demagoguery)
This same cloak, along with the cloak that
secrecy was to protect the privacy of the child,
kept various large fiascos on the parts of these
agencies a secret.
However, these agencies seem to be so incredibly
inept that there has been a rising tide of
disasters where the "Child Protection" agencies
which have become an INDUSTRY, have not been able
to maintain their StatzPolezei like secrecy.
Coming to a country near you!
People from developing countries, here for an
education in Social Work have even had their
tickets for attendance of INDUSTRY conventions
PAID FOR by various government agencies, probably
seen as some sort of AID to developing countries.
People studying and opposing the abuses by these
agencies here have been horrified to discover
that Child Protection agencies in dozens of
countries around the globe have been mimicking
the SAME BROKEN MODEL, abusing families in
strikingly similar ways to the way the states do.
I don't know if it is because the agency people
inherently SEEK TOTALITARIAN POWER, or because they
are all brainwashed by the same myopic textbooks,
but Child Protection casewreckers seem to think
so alike as to evoke experiences with talking to
Is it just the nature of BUREAUCRACY that these
people act like the characters reminiscent of
Franz Kafka's "The Trial" ("The Process" in Deutsch),
George Orwell's 1984, THX-1138 or "Brazil"?